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Google and EU antitrust rules

In her yesterday’s statement, EU Commissioner Verstagen informed that the preliminary conclusion of the investigation of Google with respect to Android OS is that Google’s practices breach EU antitrust rules. In a Statement of Objections to Google, EU Commission concluded that Google’s practices impose unjustified restrictions and conditions on manufacturers of devices running its Android OS. While the EU Commission praises the fact that Android is an open-source model, it considers dangerous that Android on most phones comes pre-installed with the default Google Search, restricting Google’s rival search engines to access the market. Similarly, majority of manufacturers ship their mobiles and tablets with Google’s proprietary apps and services, such as Google Search, Google Play Store and Google Chrome. Pre-installation of these apps and services, however, requires a licence from Google, awarded only under  certain restrictive conditions, e.g. the need to pre-install Google Search if the manufacturers wish to pre-install Google’s Play Store, etc. Google now has 12 weeks to respond to the sent statement. More information: Statement by Commissioner Vestager on sending a Statement of Objections to Google on Android operating system and...

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UNIDROIT celebrates 90th anniversary

The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) is an independent intergovernmental organization based in Rome. Established in 1926, it celebrates the 90th anniversary of its foundations. Its main objective is to modernise and harmonise private international law, with a special focus on internation commercial law. Membership is restricted to States acceding to the Unidoit statute. The Czech Republic is one of the 63 member states....

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Application of Brussels I bis regulation

As of January 10, 2015, the new regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters is applicable (also known as Brussels I bis). This resolution has replaced the previous resolution (EU) No 44/2001.

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Digitally signing all emails

To increase the security and privacy of our communication with our clients, our attorneys now digitally sign all emails to  prove to the recipients that only our attorneys sent the contents of the message and not an imposter, and that the contents have not been altered in transit. We hope that this will increase the quality of our services again. In case you will have any difficulties with our messages, please don’t hesitate to contact...

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